Welcome To America's First Ayahuasca Retreats Center

Find & Book Your Ayahuasca Retreats: Experience transformative ayahuasca treatments and profound spiritual journeys at Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation. Join our retreat events and embrace healing, growth, and self-discovery. Select from our ten or eighteen-day ayahuasca retreats as well as our four- and eight-week Shipibo training courses. 

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation
Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation

Ayahuasca Retreats and Courses in Cibola National Forest Albuquerque

Peru has seen a growing influx of individuals participating in ayahuasca retreats and healing courses each year. As a result, these individuals are drawn to this destination in search of an enhanced lifestyle, as well as solutions to physical ailments, emotional distress, mental challenges, and spiritual burdens. They aim to establish a profound connection with nature, spirit, divinity, and their own selves. The ayahuasca ceremonies and plant medicine practices of the shipibo tradition offer remarkably effective means to attain equilibrium, serenity, and contentment. Ultimately, our approach at the Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation is rooted in a comprehensive healing philosophy that addresses the body, mind, and spirit. We deeply honor ancestral traditions, value the wonders of nature, and cherish the wisdom bestowed by plant spirits. In essence, this path offers a superior means of healing and transformation. Find & Book Your Ayahuasca Retreats with us today.

A Transformative Ayahuasca Retreat - Ten Days & Eighteen Days Programs

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation

Ten Day Ayahuasca Retreat $3,450

August 18 – August 27, 2024

HARMONIZE YOUR HEALTH: Attend 5 ayahuasca ceremonies at the Ayahuasca Research Center led by a Shipibo maestro all the way from Peru. Receive personalized plant treatments including plant baths, vapor baths, smoke baths, purgatives, inhalants, and other natural plant medicines.  Enhancing the traditional treatments are additional healing practices like meditation, yoga, massage, breathwork, and integration counseling.

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation

Eighteen Day Total Healing Retreat $4,650

July 14 – July 31, 2024

COMPLETE HEALING: Participate in 9 ayahuasca ceremonies led by a Shipibo curandero. Receive a complete program of plant treatments including vapor baths, smoke baths, and plant baths, deep internal system cleanses, blood purification, deep trauma release, and consciousness enhancement. The retreat also includes yoga, massage, breathwork, meditation, counseling, and just relaxing in paradise.

Apply for an Ayahuasca Course - Healing Empowerment and Initiation Courses

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation

Eight Week Initiation Course $6,850

January 7 – March 2, 2024

TRUE SHAMANIC TRAINING: Intended for people who want to study the authentic Shipibo tradition of healing with ayahuasca.  Students spend eight weeks with the maestro don Enrique at the Ayahuasca Research Center, attend up to 23 ceremonies and do NOYA RAO DIETAS and other powerful MASTER PLANT DIETAS in addition to learning icaros, ceremony methods and techniques, and preparation of plant treatments and remedies. It’s a unique opportunity to study traditional curanderismo with an authentic indigenous maestro.

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation

Four Week Empowerment Course $5,850

April 14 – May 11, 2024

REVIVE YOUR HEALING POWER: Spend four weeks at the Ayahuasca Research Center and attend 11 ceremonies led by a Shipibo maestro.  Get the deepest personalized healing treatment program possible with dozens of plant treatments and cleanses. Learn about the plant spirit healing tradition ideologies and methodologies and do a BOBINSANA DIETA. Integrative practices like yoga, meditation, breathwork, and epigenetic reprogramming help to guide your own personal process to fully empower yourself as a healer.


9 traditional Ayahuasca Ceremonies Led by an indigenous curandero and the Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation assistants Private consultations with the curandero Translated by the assistant healers Daily Piñon Colorado brain/blood remedy Taken three times a day for the duration of the retreat Sangre de Grado digestive system cleanse Reset digestive enzymes and enhance nutrient absorption Vapor Baths with five medicinal plant extracts Sweat out toxins and replace them with healing medicine Mucura sinus cleanses cleanse the sinuses and boost immunity against allergies Plants Baths Connect further with the plants and soak in the medicine Blood purification treatment Remove parasitic organisms and cleanse the blood Smoke Baths Increase energetic defenses and protection from negativity Chiric Sanango nervous system cleanse Boost the immune system and release emotional blockages Love Baths For attracting positive energy, good luck, and love Any additional treatments Poultices, medicines, or whatever is needed Complimentary practices Yoga, meditation, and counseling. Find & Book Your Ayahuasca Retreats Today

Ayahuasca Retreat & Research Center and Plant Medicine

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation

Ayahuasca Retreat & Research Center

The Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation’s new Retreat & Research Center is located in the heart of the Cibola National Forest Albuquerque, NM United States. . It features very comfortable accommodations with private rooms, en suite bathrooms with hot water, and full off-grid, solar-powered electricity. Participants enjoy gorgeous views of the river and experience the culture of the forest community.

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation

Plants medicine

Spiritual and Healing Effects: Ayahuasca is known for its profound psychological, emotional, and spiritual effects. Many people report transformative and introspective experiences, spiritual insights, emotional healing, and increased self-awareness. Ayahuascaretreatfoundation uses it for personal growth, spiritual development, and healing trauma.

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