About Us

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation


Our Ayahuasca Retreat Center was initially founded in 2008. The idea for the Ayahuasca Retreat and research center was born from a desire to spread the science of plant medicine back into the world. The Center supports the preservation of indigenous wisdom and culture, offering healing retreats and educational courses, and conducting research focused on the ayahuasca healing tradition used for millennia by indigenous healers of the Peruvian Amazon. The Ayahuasca Retreat Center also supports the preservation of the Amazon rainforest and promotes educational efforts to raise awareness about sustainability, permaculture, and harmonious environmental relationships. 


The calling to create a space of safety, integrity, comfort & support became paramount to be able to share this healing with all of those seeking. 

Our vision and mission

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation

Our vision and mission here at the Ayahuasca Retreat and Research Center is to provide a peaceful and eco-friendly environment where people may participate in a variety of healing modalities. W have a strong desire to educate as many people as possible to the wonders of medicinal plant traditions, the potential of the human spirit, and the interconnectedness of all beings.

To this respect, we offer Ayahuasca ceremonies in a natural jungle setting with traditional Shipibo curanderos along with other native plant medicines and holistic modalities for deep healing and life transformation. We use nature’s teachings to strengthen our Divine connection with the Creator, developing our consciousness into expanded states of awareness. We believe that Ayahuasca is not only a magnificent healer but shows us how to awaken to our true authentic selves. Through the medicine we are able to re-remember our Divine nature, our Oneness with all things, and are able to take this wisdom back with us into our lives to assist in manifesting a beautiful and harmonious paradigm on Earth.

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation
Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation


Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation

The Ayahuasca Retreat and Research Center has evolved since it began in 2008. Our staff has grown, our methods have been enhanced, and our understanding of the nature of illness, treatment, and health has broadened and deepened. One aspect of that understanding is the importance of the environment in which we live. Just as a seed needs the nourishment of its environment to grow healthy and strong, humans, too, need a nourishing environment to provide the right nutrients and energy to help us achieve health and happiness. It is clear that higher rates of illness and disease correlate directly with higher rates of pollution and destruction of our natural environment. Seeds simply will not grow in toxic soil.

In order for us to work further towards our goal of providing pathways to health, we must also work towards preserving the natural environment of the planet. For this reason, the Ayahuasca Foundation is committed to raising awareness about the preservation of the Amazon Rainforest, as well as all nourishing environments all over the world. Like the over five trillion cells in each of our bodies, every very living being on the planet is a conscious and intelligent individual that forms a part of a much greater, wiser, and even more incredible living being, the Earth. While focusing on the health of each cell is important, we must also ensure that our actions do not inflict harm to other living beings.

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation
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