Ayahuasca Retreat

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation

Ayahuasca Retreat Programs

Each ayahuasca retreat at the Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation features a balance of female and male healers from the indigenous Shipibo tribe. Meanwhile, this incredible team of healers are highly experienced in practicing the ancient art of ayahuasca shamanism thus giving you the best Ayahuasca experience. Ultimately, their ayahuasca ceremonies are supported by highly trained and knowledgeable Western facilitators. They also act as a critical cultural bridge between the healers and our guests. Through meticulous planning and experience with thousands of guests, Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation has developed a range of ayahuasca retreat programs in the beautiful jungle environment with many activities.

An opportunity filled with enchantment

Ayahuasca Retreat

Ayahuasca Retreats at the Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation help people realize the power to make profound changes in our lives and achieve health and happiness. The rainforest is ancient and wise, beyond human comprehension, and it contains the answers to questions that we sometimes struggle to ascertain by ourselves. During the Ayahuasca Retreats, participants attend ayahuasca ceremonies and they also receive a variety of traditional plant remedies. However, receiving treatment from an authentic indigenous shaman, or curandero, is an opportunity to discover, empower, and motivate our true selves to achieve our highest goals of health, harmony, and happiness. Retreat participants are able to replant their spirits in nourishing soil, free from the environmental, mental, and emotional toxins that caused their illness or sorrow.

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation

Ayahuasca Healing Treatments

Much more than just ayahuasca ceremonies, in summary, our healing retreats feature a multitude of additional treatments outside of the ceremonies, including plant baths, vapor baths, smoke baths, inhalants, purgatives, poultices, massage, counseling, and any internal or topical medical treatment that might be needed to heal particular illnesses or afflictions.  We strive to provide the optimal care and treatment possible during a retreat.

Retreat Facilities

Our retreat center is located in the Cibola National Forest Albuquerque,
NM United States, with recreational options for hiking, swimming, fishing and plant walks with certified conservation guides. 

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation

Spiritual Growth

Our aim is to provide you with the optimum environment for you to replant your spirit. All treatments and activities are optional, so go at your own pace. Meanwhile two or three weeks is a relatively short period of time in a human being’s life, and we really see this process not as a complete and final solution to your problems, but rather as a new beginning, and also a foundation on which to build over time, providing inspiration for your spiritual growth.

We are also here to let you know that anything is possible. What we have found is this: the people who take responsibility for their own healing, put their trust and faith in the plants and in us, let go of expectations and truly commit themselves with intention to their process. These people always get what they need, unfolding into the most profound depths of inner transformation possible for them, and are then gratefully ready to continue the work of integrating their experiences for the rest of their lives.

Ayahuasca Retreats we offer:

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation

Ten Day Ayahuasca Retreat $3,450

HARMONIZE YOUR HEALTH: Attend 5 ayahuasca ceremonies at the Ayahuasca Research Center led by a Shipibo maestro all the way from Peru. Receive personalized plant treatments including plant baths, vapor baths, smoke baths, purgatives, inhalants, and other natural plant medicines.  Enhancing the traditional treatments are additional healing practices like meditation, yoga, massage, breathwork, and integration counseling.

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation

Eighteen Day Total Healing Retreat $4,650

COMPLETE HEALING: Participate in 9 ayahuasca ceremonies led by a Shipibo curandero. Receive a complete program of plant treatments including vapor baths, smoke baths, and plant baths, deep internal system cleanses, blood purification, deep trauma release, and consciousness enhancement. The retreat also includes yoga, massage, breathwork, meditation, counseling, and just relaxing in paradise.

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation

Four Week Empowerment Course $5,850

REVIVE YOUR HEALING POWER: Spend four weeks at the Ayahuasca Research Center and attend 11 ceremonies led by a Shipibo maestro.  Get the deepest personalized healing treatment program possible with dozens of plant treatments and cleanses. Learn about the plant spirit healing tradition ideologies and methodologies and do a BOBINSANA DIETA. Integrative practices like yoga, meditation, breathwork, and epigenetic reprogramming help to guide your own personal process to fully empower yourself as a healer.

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