Training Course Reviews

Ayahuasca Retreat Foundation

What the Participants Thought of the Course

Students discuss their experiences after completing our training course in the videos below.  Hundreds of course participants have completed our courses and there are now retreat centers, practices, ceremonies, and treatment being performed by our students all over the world.  Here is what they had to say about their experience on the course. 

The course was… I don’t have the words to describe the course. There’s so many things that happened in such a short space of time. It was very interesting, eye-opening, humbling at times, hard… so it was a roller coaster of emotions starting from day one and finishing yesterday, practically. Every single day is just jam packed and you’re being tested on multiple levels constantly, in a good way, but definitely not a walk in the park to any extent.
It Was quite amazing, challenging, but amazing, really fun, but a lot of introspection, a lot of going inside to really find the answers within myself rather than anywhere else, which I did before, through books, or studying different religions, or trying to follow a regiment. Whereas with this the course just basically helped me dive into myself and find the answers to my questions more from experience. I got a lot of first hand experience of what the spiritual world is and what it is actually about rather than reading and trying to theorize things and always be in doubt. This helped me build my faith a lot in spirits, the spirit realm and the spirit world. The course was amazing.
The initiation course was a bonus for me, because I was really here for the physical part. I worked a lot. Don Enrique, he’s an amazing doctor. I feel so blessed to have so much plant medicine inside of my body, all the spirits here, and the ayahuasca healing my physical body. The initiation course was the bonus but it was amazing amazing. I do this work in Holland, but to work with don Enrique and to experience the origin of the work that we also give. It was amazing. I learned a lot and I’m so glad to bring it back to Holland and work with it.
The course was incredible, really, very comprehensive. It’s a real intense six weeks. It’s not a lot of free time. It’s a lot of hard work, but it’s really incredible. You learn a lot, not just a lot about the plant medicine and the Shipibo tradition, but also a lot about yourself, a lot about human relationships and how important it is to have respect and awareness towards the way you treat yourself, the way you treat others, and the way you treat the environment around you.
I came here primarily for my personal healing and it was brilliant. I can’t think of another program for myself that could have been as successful, as complete, and as totally getting in to the root causes of problems, issues, traumas, toxicities, etc. in my life that I met here. I really dealt with everything.
For me, it’s been a multi-layered journey. There’s been a lot of psychological processing for me, and also a lot of spiritual development. It’s difficult to summarize, but it’s a lot about wholeness to certain degree. For me one of the things that came up was that there were parts of me that weren’t completely in tune. There were parts of me that weren’t developed properly. I went through a process where they just came up naturally, not just in the ceremonies but also during the course with the other participants. It was just being revealed to me, the weaknesses I had, so I just began to regrow parts of myself that hadn’t been grown earlier that should have.
I came here with the intentions of learning the songs of the plants. Originally, I had no clue what that was going to involve, and in the past two weeks I’ve realized that I really have learned the songs of the plants. The growth that I have experienced in the literally 16 weeks that I’ve spent in this camp have been phenomenal… I have shed all the traumas that I carried with me and I am eternally grateful to the people that were with me for both courses, they have been my greatest teachers. Learning under don Enrique is an experience that is priceless.
Indescribable. Utterly life changing on the most profound level. Words cant express how grateful I am to the healing I’ve received, the learning I’ve achieved and I feel like I came here as a little girl and I am going to leave here as a woman.
If you’re thinking about coming, it’s very challenging. This is probably the most trying and difficult thing that I’ve ever done in my life. It was really a challenge. I had a pretty good idea that that’s what this was gonna be when I signed up for it, and my whole purpose in coming was to immerse myself in working with ayahuasca and getting really really deep into it, which I had never managed to accomplish in my previous two experiences, which were very good, but they weren’t immersive by any means. So, if you’re interested in deeply working with ayahuasca and immersing yourself in the experience, I highly recommend this.
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